How meta tagging could be improved in Aperture 3

I dont know if you tag, but I do. I try to do it a lot and sometimes it makes me think that the guys at Apple dont use the tagging interface at all…

  • First, as I said in the past, when you open the Keyword HUD, the cursor should be in the search field. And the current content should be pre-selected.
  • The search algorithm should not just look for keywords starting with the search term but for those that contain the search term, where ever it is placed. It is “like ‘%criteria_term%'” and not just “like ‘criteria_term%'”. Small difference but a lot of frustration.
  • There should be some built in intelligence which recognizes when you have two similar tags in different categories and pops a warning.
  • We need a feature to point the tags that are not used so we can do some cleanup.
  • Is it too much to ask to have a tag cloud when we create keyword based smart albums? Please.
  • Talking about smart albums, I would like to be able to have all pictures with tags X but NOT tag Y.

I think it is enough, for now… I dont know if you have guessed but I just completed a 2 hours tagging marathon. I was lagging behind in my tagging for a while and tonight I had to pay the price of my procrastination!

About Tommy

Photography allows me to be what I want to be, to be where I want to be, and to do what I want to do ... I'm not professional photographer and I don't need a title, I love to take photographs and that is what I do, I love to learn and I always try to do it better ...

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